Unique expertise through experience with Dutch special forces and special police units

USC-S makes use of the latest learning materials

Tailored to the professional context of firemen

TECC-LEO protocol

Tecc-leo fire brigade

In USC-S’ Tactical Medical Emergency Care training course, firefighters are trained to perform tactical and medical operations in crisis situations. In high-risk situations, medical care providers often cannot come to the scene. Firefighters must then stabilize the wounded themselves and possibly transport them. The training is given on the basis of the TECC protocol with the latest teaching materials. The training courses cover specific skills aimed at stabilizing the injured in a dangerous or threatening environment. Situational awareness, or environmental awareness and anticipation, is central during the training. The fight against terrorism is also dealt with extensively. The TECC protocol is aimed at a better alignment with the professional assistance provided by ambulance nurses. Ambulance nurses in the Netherlands are also tactically / medically training in accordance with the TECC protocol.

Our instructors

USC-S’ medical instructors have extensive experience in providing training courses and have operational practical experience. The instructors have provided care as a medical specialist in high-threat situations and have experience in decision-making under stressful circumstances. This knowledge and experience enables our instructors to prepare trainees effectively for a variety of scenarios in the tactical/medical domain. All USC-S instructors are PHTLS and TCCC trained.

Law enforcement and security

The TECC-LEO training course is not only a valuable asset for firefighters. USC-S also offers this course to law enforcement officers (TECC-LEO) or security guards (TECC-LEO Security) to prepare them for situations with a high threat level and one or more wounded.

Content TECC-LEO (fire brigade)

  • Situational awareness
  • Tactical / medical action
  • Trauma Care
  • Stabilizing injured persons
  • Moving injured persons
  • Counterterrorism procedures


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